
The CBS™ High Security tissue 2 ml straws can be identified by using LN2 resistant labels.

Instructions for use
Filling and sealing of the straw should be done in a controlled environment, such as a laminar flow hood.

  • Prepare the identification label and apply it on the outside of the CBS™ High Security tissue 2 ml straw.
  • Holding the straw near the jaws, seal one extremity of the straw with the sealer SYMS equipped with the special guide for CBS™ High Security tissue 2 ml straws.
  • Using a tong, carefully deposit the tissue fragment(s) into the straw, according to laboratory protocol (fragments or wrapped pieces).
  • Holding the straw near the jaws, seal the other extremity of the straw with the sealer SYMS.

Storage in liquid nitrogen
Cryo Bio System carries a line of accessories for storage and management of CBS™ straws in liquid nitrogen.

Three years from date of manufacture.

References Description Packaging
018960 CBS™ High Security tissue straw 20
015486 Syms straw guide for CBS™ High Security tissue 2 ml straws 1